Cheese closes the stomach and should always be served at the end of a meal.

Cereal Grains and Pasta

Food KCal Fat Carb. Protein
Amaranth 374 g 6.5 g 66.2 g 14.5 g
Arrowroot flour 357 g 0.1 g 88.2 g 0.3 g
Barley flour or meal 345 g 1.6 g 74.5 g 10.5 g
Barley, hulled 354 g 2.3 g 73.5 g 12.5 g
Barley malt flour 361 g 1.8 g 78.3 g 10.3 g
Barley, pearled, cooked 123 g 0.4 g 28.2 g 2.3 g
Barley, pearled, raw 352 g 1.2 g 77.7 g 9.9 g
Buckwheat 343 g 3.4 g 71.5 g 13.3 g
Buckwheat flour, whole-groat 335 g 3.1 g 70.6 g 12.6 g
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked 92 g 0.6 g 19.9 g 3.4 g
Buckwheat groats, roasted, dry 346 g 2.7 g 75.0 g 11.7 g
Bulgur, cooked 83 g 0.2 g 18.6 g 3.1 g
Bulgur, dry 342 g 1.3 g 75.9 g 12.3 g
Corn bran, crude 224 g 0.9 g 85.6 g 8.4 g
Corn flour, degermed, unenriched, yellow 375 g 1.4 g 82.8 g 5.6 g
Corn flour, masa, enriched, white 365 g 3.8 g 76.3 g 9.3 g
Corn flour, masa, enriched, yellow 365 g 3.8 g 76.3 g 9.3 g
Corn flour, whole-grain, white 361 g 3.9 g 76.9 g 6.9 g
Corn flour, whole-grain, yellow 361 g 3.9 g 76.9 g 6.9 g
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, white 369 g 1.8 g 79.2 g 7.3 g
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